Friday, May 25, 2007


I just wanted to give a shout out to my sweet friends Virginia and CJ on the PASSING of their real estate test - They still have the big one but they did a GREAT job and I am sooo proud of them!
Virginia made the HIGHEST grade her teacher had ever seen!!! 97 ~ You go girl!!!
Watch out houses ~ Here come two of the best!!!

I would also like to give a BIG BLOGGIE welcome to my friend Lindsay ~ She started her bloggie yesterday and is already addicted!!! Go say Hello!!!

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Abby and Reese said...

Congrats guys on the test! I am so impressed on the high score and that cj took the crash course only a week ago and passed too!

Lindsay said...

Yay! Here I am! and Congrats to those two test passers!

FabulousLee Fun Twin Tales said...

Thank you very much! I'm really not the bragging I just need a stopper to keep all this junk in my head for a few more weeks! When you get a new brain every morning, that's not easy!

Anonymous said...

How great! Congrats to them! I guess I need to break down and take mine one of these days... I hate to take a test, though. Lele