Friday, May 18, 2007

Cute Pictures

These are from playgroup - I was sooo excited about my new camera plus the kids are too too cute so I snapped QUITE a few - (NO I promise - a photography career is not on my to do list but you will be seeing LOTS of pictures!) The picts are soooo clear compared to the old camera so here are our superstars!

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Anonymous said...

I love that cute new outfit! The pics are great. As always, I look forward to more. Love you, Aunt Lele

Jennisa - Avery and Livvie's Mommy! said...

Those are cute! AND, the map thing is fun! Click on it and you can make one and put it on your blog too! It's not that hard!

LeslieW. said...

Who needs a photographer when you have a supercool new camera! Great job!