Thursday, May 17, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Reasons I Love Being "MOMMY!"

1. Look at that face!
2. EVERYTHING is cuter in pink!
3. I never get tired of hearing "want to hold me mommy?"
4. I always have someone to go to dinner with
5. Watching Annie discover things for the first time
6. "I wove YOU so much"
7. She is a constant reminder of how much God has blessed me
8. EVERYTHING is more fun when she comes with me!
9. Her voice and that laugh
10. PLAYGROUP - watching her interact with her friends and having friends that know exactly what I am going through!
11. Of course the clothes and the bows
12. Having a good reason to play and enjoying it!
13. Knowing God has entrusted me to raise one of His children!

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LeslieW. said...

What a great picture! That green is so pretty on her.

Amy said...

Love your THursday list! Y'all are too creative :)

Would love to come and hang in S'ville with y'all one day!

Jennisa - Avery and Livvie's Mommy! said...

Great list...I love all things pink and girlie too!

Anonymous said...

I love that green dress! You should buy more things that color. I love your "Thirteen" and who wouldn't love that face? Tell Annie that Aunt Lele loves her and can't wait to come to visit.