Monday, November 12, 2012


LOL - if you keep up with the blog you'll remember that Annie was Cinderella last year
just fyi Grannie bought her the same costume again (I think it's the light up Cinderella on the front)
I think this has been her favorite year so far...she LOVED passing out the candy she wanted to know what
everyone is dressed up as - she even wanted to go trick or treating at a few houses on the street, 
she says trick or treat and then tried to give them candy...she's so cute! And she adored her costume because she slept in and didn't want to take it off for 2 days (she did take it off long enough to bathe)

Hope everyone had a very HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

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1 comment:

Mari said...

She makes an awfully cute Cinderella! And a generous one too!