WOW!!! 33 years come and gone....As a child 34 seemed SOOOO old ~ Praise God 50 is the new 30 so I just hit my teens!!! It was a fun filled day! Mom and I did a little shopping and had some Wild Wings for lunch - Don't tell Lindsay but I had spinach dip ~ it's the BEST!!! Leslie and I went to Logan's for dinner too ~ no one should cook or eat at home on their birthday! We had to leave a little early cause Annie wasn't feeling great - but there was a SURPRISE in my fridge when I got home - The Lees had dropped off a piece of chocolate cake from Eclectic Chef (ok - it was almost HALF the cake)
Birthdays are the best ~ people call to tell you how much they love you and they give you fun gifts!!!
I FINALLY (welcome to the 2000s) got an MP3 player!!!!
Leslie got me an electric toothbrush (I complain a LOT about the cleanliness of my teeth) She also got me a cool camera case - and a very cute picture of the girls which went immediately into a frame!
Sugar brought my favorite treat of sugar free chocolate and made me sugar free frapp
b/c Linds says I have to give up the best part of my day!
English gave me some sunscreen chapstick (Leslie says put it on my nose)
There were cards and well wishes from everyone!!!
I can't believe another year has gone by!!!
And of course there was my BEST present ever - My sweet Annie!!!
Don't I have THE cutest friends???
I am so glad we could share your birthday with you! I know you are glad it's over, but do did rack up on the loot!
It does sound like you have fabulous friends!!
Happy belated birthday wishes from me too!
Okay, so I didn't know it was your birthday! SORRY! Looks like you had a fun day! Gotta love the chocolate! That would make my day too! YUMMY!
Glad you had so many blessings on your special day and amen to the 50's being the new 30's ... let's enjoy our teen years!
I must say you DO have the cutest friends (even though some might have forgotten your special day!) opps. You know I love you...
I am glad you had spinach dip- it is so super yummy.
We went to Logans for dinner too. We must have gone at different times!
That last comment was from me- Linds
What a great day! I wish I could have spent it with you. I miss you and can't wait to come to visit. I have some fun loot for you too. By the way, you do have super cute friends. Love you, Lele
Happy Birthday Denna
God Bless you
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